Reylo Explained

Look, hate me for this and everything, but I ❤️love❤️ fanfiction. BTW, that link goes to a very nice fanfiction website. And who doesn't love Star Wars?

So let me introduce you to a Star Wars fanfiction: Reylo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Reylo, as you may have guessed, is what happened in The Last Jedi. But you might have to watch it again to notice little Reylo clues popping out everywhere.

Yes, sir, that is indeed Kylo Ren and Rey. Which, when you think about it, is the perfect couple! Did you watch the movie and see a few hints that Kylo and Rey were, like, uh... Sort of crushing on each other in a funny way? But you tried to tell yourself, Nah, I mean-- no., didn't you?

If you want some clues to how this is VERY possible, simply go to this link right here (part one). Once you're done with that, check out part two and finally part three. Those are links to YouTube videos explaining everything. Enjoy!

-Some Random Girl who Wanted to do This


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