What? Some people need this. Because just imagine you're sitting with the "cool kids" at lunch. You get up and your pants are a little bit loose. So you do the natural thing! You pull up your pants! COOL GIRL #1: Oh my god! Did she just pull up her pants? That's, like, so yesterday! COOL GUY #1: Like, OMG, I think she did! COOL GIRL #2: I totes, like, regret inviting her to sit with us! COOL GIRL #3: Me too! COOL GUY #2: I am, like, embarrassed that I made that mistake! COOL GUY #3: Right? COOL GIRL #1: Ewwwwwwww! She pulled up her pants! Okay, so, um, there really isn't anything wrong with pulling up your pants, but... If you ever find yourself in this situation, DO NOT PULL UP YOUR PANTS! Here are a few ways to avoid this. Put your foot somewhere higher than your knee (a bench, chair, desk, etc.) and bend your knee as if you are stretching it. If you really are sitting with the "cool kids," make up something to say, like, ...
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